SMUGGLER (アフタヌーンコミックス) より
「そんなモンだ 俺達の住む世界は残す物に価値を持てねェ……」
That's how it is. The world we live in doesn't value what we leave behind. ......
借金の返済のために高利貸しから紹介されたバイトは、「運送屋」。運ぶのは死体や法律に触れるもの。役者志望のフリーター・砧涼介(きぬたりょうすけ)が踏み込んでしまった世界は、たった一度のミスすら命に係わる死と隣り合わせの世界だった。ところが涼介は、捕まえた暗殺者「背骨」を“運搬中”わずかばかり彼に心を許したせいで、彼を逃がしてしまった! 「アフタヌーン」’00年5月号から8月号まで連載された、話題の新人作品!!
In order to pay off his debts, a loan shark introduces him to a part-time job as a "transporter. He has to transport dead bodies and other things that are against the law. Ryosuke Kinuta, a freelancer with aspirations of becoming an actor, finds himself in a world where even a single mistake can be fatal. However, when Ryosuke is transporting a captured assassin named "Spine", he lets him escape because he has only allowed him to be in his heart for a moment! "Serialized in Afternoon from May to August 2000, this is the work of a hot newcomer!
SMUGGLER (アフタヌーンコミックス) Kindle版
真鍋昌平 (著)