食の軍師 1 より
「とりあえずお酒一本つけてください それと今日は何がおすすめで?」
"Please put a bottle of alcohol on me for now. And what would you recommend today?"
普段、私たちが何気なく食べている料理…だが、そこには奥深い兵法が潜んでいる!!何を注文するのか? どんな順番で注文するのか? この選択によって「食の軍師」としての知力・能力・経験が現れる。主人公は、自分自身を「三国志」の名軍師・諸葛亮孔明になぞらえ、様々な戦略を繰り出す!! 攻める相手は、料理。おでん、もつ焼、寿司、蕎麦、とんかつ、餃子、焼肉、弁当などなど、私たち一般人が日常的に食べているメニューがズラリ。だからこそ、面白い!! 様々な店で繰り出される陣形!! 店を訪れる客との真剣勝負!! このこだわり、この緻密さ!! 一度読めば皆、軍師の気持ちになること間違いなし!!これぞまさに、エンターテインメント・グルメ漫画である!!!
The food we usually eat without a second thought... but there is a profound art of war lurking in it! What to order? In what order should we order them? The choices you make will reveal your intelligence, ability, and experience as a "food warrior. The main character likens himself to the famous military strategist Zhuge Liang Kongming from the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and unleashes a variety of strategies! The opponent to attack is cuisine. Oden, motsunyaki, sushi, soba noodles, tonkatsu, dumplings, yakiniku, bento boxes, and many other dishes that we all eat on a daily basis. That's why it's so interesting! The formations played out in the various restaurants! Serious competition with the customers who visit the restaurants! This attention to detail, this precision! Once you read it, you will definitely feel like a military strategist! This is truly an entertaining gourmet manga!
食の軍師 1 Kindle版
泉昌之 (著), 久住昌之 (著), 和泉晴紀 (著)