ハコヅメ~交番女子の逆襲~(1) (モーニングコミックス) より
"I think you need to be a neat freak.
「もう辞めてやる!」辞表を握りしめた新米女性警察官・川合の交番に、なぜか刑事課から超美人の藤部長が配属されてきた。岡島県警(の男性陣)を絶望におとしいれるコンビの誕生である。某県警に勤めること10年、隠そうとしても漏れ出てくる作者の本音がヤバい! 理不尽のち愚痴、時々がんばる、誰も見たことのない警察漫画。※労働基準法は警察官に「一部」適用外です。
I'm quitting!" Kawai, a new female police officer, clutches her letter of resignation, and for some reason, the super-beautiful Chief Fuji from the Detective Division is assigned to her police box. This is the birth of a duo that brings the men of the Okajima Prefectural Police to despair. After ten years of working for a certain prefectural police department, the author's true feelings come out even when he tries to hide them. This is a police manga that no one has ever seen before, where the author complains about unreasonable things and sometimes does his best. The Labor Standards Law does not apply to police officers.
ハコヅメ~交番女子の逆襲~(1) (モーニングコミックス) Kindle版
泰三子 (著) 形式: Kindle版