宇宙兄弟(1) (モーニングコミックス) より
「まあな ワケあって今元気だ」
"Yeah, well, I'm fine for a reason.
2025年。兄は、もう一度だけ自分を信じた。筑波経由火星行きの物語がはじまる! 本格兄弟宇宙漫画発進! 幼少時代、星空を眺めながら約束を交わした兄・六太と弟・日々人。2025年、弟は約束どおり宇宙飛行士となり、月面の第1次長期滞在クルーの一員となっていた。一方、会社をクビになり、無職の兄・六太。弟からの1通のメールで、兄は再び宇宙を目指しはじめる!
The year 2025. My brother believed in himself just one more time. The story of his journey to Mars via Tsukuba begins! A full-fledged sibling space manga is launched! In the year 2025, the elder brother Rokuta and the younger brother Hibito made a promise while gazing at the starry sky, and as promised, the younger brother has become an astronaut and is a member of the first long-duration crew on the moon. On the other hand, Rokuta is unemployed after being fired from his job. A single email from his younger brother sets him off to explore space again!
宇宙兄弟(1) (モーニングコミックス) Kindle版
小山宙哉 (著) 形式: Kindle版