甘々と稲妻(1) (アフタヌーンコミックス) より
The third cup is best served over rice.
さ、さん、三杯目だと?! これご飯にかけているのは豚汁なのですが、ご飯にかけて食べるは初めて知りました。 そして美味い! 私は二日目の豚汁、具材が煮込まれ少し溶けてトロッとした豚汁をご飯にかけてサイコー♪してます。
妻を亡くし、ひとりで娘の子育てに奮戦する数学教師・犬塚。料理が苦手で小食で味オンチな彼は、ひょんなことから教え子・飯田小鳥と、一緒にごはんを作って娘と3人で食べることに!! 月刊「good!アフタヌーン」誌上で連載開始当初から話題沸騰! 愛娘&女子高生と囲む、両手に花の食卓ドラマ、開幕です!!
Inuzuka is a math teacher who lost his wife and is struggling to raise his daughter on his own. He's not a good cook, eats small meals, and doesn't like the taste of food, but by chance, he and his student, Kotori Iida, decide to cook a meal together and eat it with their daughter! It has been the talk of the town since it was first serialized in the monthly magazine "good! It's the first in a series that's been running in "good!
甘々と稲妻(1) (アフタヌーンコミックス) Kindle版
雨隠ギド (著)