町医者ジャンボ!!(1) (週刊現代コミックス) より
I was a lot of help to you at my old job.
You think it's a stiff shoulder, but it's unconsciousness, a disease that kills you with bananas, and care for the aged. ...... Illness is unreasonable. That's why it's just right for town doctors to bullshit. A well-liked town doctor died. Asuka's only daughter Baba Asuka is at her wit's end when her father's former disciple, Masayoshi Tsuruta, also known as "Jumbo," suddenly appears in front of her. Asuka is delighted, but Tsuruta insists that she return the money. The amount is 100 million yen. The clinic is taken over. Asuka turns pale. Meanwhile, the phone rings with an urgent call to ....... The shocking rhapsody of community medicine begins!
町医者ジャンボ!!(1) (週刊現代コミックス) Kindle版
こしのりょう (著)